Corporate Education Group

Successful Negotiations: Mastering Persuasion

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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300 Brickstone Square • Suite 201 • Andover, MA 01810 USA • 1.800.288.7246 • +1.978.649.8200 • N EGOTIATIONS ARE A HUGE PART of our professional and personal lives — whether you're trying to negotiate a pay raise, the price of an automobile, what restaurant you're having dinner at with your spouse, or even your child's new curfew, negotiation is a key skill at both work and at home. Check out these eight simple negotiation tips and techniques that can significantly improve your daily interactions and can be applied to just about any difficult situation. 1. Know What You Want This may sound obvious, but far too often people go into negotiations not knowing what they want to get out of them. If you know exactly what you want, you not only have less of a chance of "caving in" or settling for less than what you deserve, but you can also address your points throughout the negotiation with more conviction and authority. Successful Negotiations: Mastering Persuasion M A N AG E M E N T A N D L E A D E R S H I P

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