Corporate Education Group

The Case for Values-Based Leadership: Maximizing People and Profitability

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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300 Brickstone Square • Suite 201 • Andover, MA 01810 USA • 1.800.288.7246 • +1.978.649.8200 • T H E L AT E MILTON FR IED MA N, a long-time economic advisor to American presidents, stated: "The sole purpose of business is to maximize profit." You may recall the movie Wall Street, in which Michael Douglas speaks to a vast audience of shareholders and proclaims, "The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of better word, is good. Greed works...and greed...will not only save companies, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA." The impact of this leadership paradigm is strikingly clear today. Today, we see 12 million Americans walking out of their homes, their savings gone, and retirement impossible. We are witness to a profound loss of hope, and a loss of belief and confidence in long standing leadership paradigms. As it turns out, greed, and its underlying "power-based model of leadership," is not good for the people, or for leading countries or corporations. The Case for Values-Based Leadership: Maximizing People and Profitability M A N AG E M E N T A N D L E A D E R S H I P

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