Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 6 When engaging with clients, CEG's approach is to provide relevant, actionable, and practical solutions tailored to address the challenges specific to each client. Listen. We dig deep to fully understand what is necessary to power your team and organization's upward performance. Collaborate. We partner to power workforce and organizational performance. Build. We create a custom program with exactly what is needed to move confidently forward. Implement. We collaborate with you to bring your customized learning to life. Iterate. Together, we evaluate success — and what learning your people may need next. Our program development process follows the industry standard, instructional design model of A.D.D.I.E. The process is consultative in nature, and we work closely with our clients to fine-tune the learning solution being developed at each stage of the process. During the Evaluation phase it is not uncommon for additional performance development needs to be uncovered, bringing us full circle in the process. At CEG we believe that, although it may not "take a village" to design, develop, and deliver first-class learning solutions, it most certainly takes a team! We work to make sure our clients feel like part of that team. Transparency, accountability, commitment, and trust are just some of the values we live by. A client engagement manager is assigned to each project, and he or she is responsible for ensuring the client's needs and expectations are kept front and center throughout the engagement. Our team of instructional designers, production staff, and facilitators also develops strong and trusted relationships with our clients and individuals within the client organization. Accessibility and responsiveness are behaviors we value and nurture throughout our engagement teams. A N A LYZ E D E F I N E Discovery Meeting Develop Learning Solution Deliver/Implement Learning Solution Present Initial High-Level Solution Evaluate Learning Outcomes D E V E LO P I M P L E M E N T E VA LUAT E Create Course Design Document Performance Consultants and Facilitators Real-world practitioners with industry experience Collaborate with you at every step of the process Client Engagement Manager Understands your needs and business requirements Hand selects the right SME/trainer to develop your solution The Client Experience H OW W E WO R K C O L L A B O R AT I V E E N G AG E M E N T C E G P R O G R A M D E V E L O P M E N T P R O C E S S

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