Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 1 8 WELLNESS AND WELL-BEING Develop a Growth Mindset Through Resilience and Grit What you will learn: • Explain how resilience and grit contribute to a growth mindset. • Discover new ways to cope with personal pressures. • Identify personal thinking traps and limiting beliefs. • Script a positive narrative for overcoming adversity. • Plan concrete ways to optimize personal energy levels. • Create a personal plan for building resilience and enhancing growth mindset. MDV1476 l 1 Day Boosting Resilience in Your Teams What you will learn: • Recognize signs of stress and burnout and provide guidance to team members on managing both. • Describe key skills involved in building resilience. • Create a personal resilience map. • Apply various tools and techniques to build resilience on your teams. • Begin a team-specific habit library of behaviors and norms to support team resilience and well-being. MDV1922a l ½ Day CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Innovation Leadership for Non-Technical Leaders What you will learn: • Identify benefits of an innovation mindset. • Identify the drivers of innovation and the key characteristics of an innovation culture. • Describe systems and structures to promote an innovation culture. • Apply the design thinking approach to create an innovative solution for your customer. • Describe the design thinking framework, methods, and mindsets. • Engage with customers for deep insights; prepare and conduct a customer interview. • Describe the basics of a journey map. • Translate insights and observations into ideas. MDV911 l 1½ Days Solving Problems Using Critical Thinking and Creativity What you will learn: • Articulate the intimate connection between critical thinking and creative thinking. • Recognize the importance of defining the right problem. • Apply a variety of problem-solving approaches to real-life challenges. • Leverage different techniques to generate divergent and convergent thinking. • Employ selected intellectual standards to improve critical thinking capabilities. • Integrate creative and critical thinking to create a personal action plan specific to problem solving. MDV1477 l 1 Day Leveraging Diverse Thinking to Drive Innovation What you will learn: • Articulate the intimate connection between critical thinking and creative thinking. • Apply various problem-solving approaches to real-life challenges. • Leverage different tools and techniques to generate divergent and convergent thinking. • Employ selected techniques and models to enhance the quality and robustness of your decisions. • Integrate creative and critical thinking to engage in problem-solving challenges. MDV2010f l ½ Day

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