Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 7 8 Training Video Quick-Takes Three Key Tenets of Organizational Agility (3:07) Develop an agile mindset-values-principles to improve your organization's ability to rapidly adapt to change. Improve Project Performance and Effectiveness by Using Agile Retrospectives (2:45) Harness the power of agile retrospectives to improve project performance by applying constructive change to project processes. Adopting Agile Project Management in a Waterfall World (2:22) Adopt agile project management to enable your organization to consistently deliver business value and ROI. White Papers & Articles The 4 Must-Have Agile Traits Your Company Needs to Succeed Just how agile are you? Discover critical steps to adopt- ing and sustaining agility and how to "BE" agile and not just "DO" agile. A Quick Primer on Agility and Scrum Get an in-depth introduction to the methods and practice of agile and Scrum. Webinars Agile for Business (59:52) There is no more doubt among the information tech- nology and software project management crowds that agile project management can help contribute to better project outcomes. But is the world of IT projects the only one that can benefit from agile concepts, tools, and methods? In this webinar we will explore how a bit of agility may benefit your other business projects Developing an Agile Transformation Plan (60:43) We understand that despite Agile concepts being easy to understand, the implementation can be dif - ficult and frustrating. If you have gone through Agile training and not getting the results expected, this webinar will help you get on the right path utilizing a proven 5-step roadmap for fixing up or setting up successful Agile Teams. Embracing Agility: Developing an Agile Mindset within Your Teams (55:45) Agile is a mindset, a set of principles, and a way of working. Even without frameworks, everyone can benefit from adopting the mindset and principles that make Agile work. This webinar covers practical examples of how applying these principles increases collaboration, and adaptability, the foundation of con - tinuous improvement. Common Sense Scrum: Why Scrum Gets So Much Resistance (59:03) One common belief is that Scrum was designed to help you solve problems as you develop products and/or services. In fact, the primary benefit of Scrum is the opposite. If executed the way it is intended, Scrum's superpower is its ability to reveal your prob - lems, rapidly. Why do so many companies cherry-pick parts of Scrum to execute, while discarding other parts? Because by human nature, we don't like having our shortcomings thrown in our faces. In this webinar, we'll look at the Scrum framework and provide com - mon-sense reasons why Scrum should be practiced in its entirety — or not at all. AG I L E A N D S C R U M R E S O U R C E S

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