Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 8 2 Training Video Quick-Takes 7 Reasons to Care About Business Processes (2:50) Learn seven reasons why you should care about business processes and how they help measure and maintain the health of your business. White Papers & Articles Mindset and Toolsets for Problem-Solving in Healthcare Problem solvers need the confidence that comes with a mindset and toolset that helps identify the right thing to do. Organizations need problem solvers that know how to find that right thing and implement it. Improvement opportunities are everywhere in health - care. You just need to train employees how to find them without ever pointing a finger at anyone. Five Tips for Implementing LSS in Healthcare There are always things that can be done better, cheaper, faster. Technology changes, expectations change, products change, and processes change. World-class organizations realize that improvement is not the destination; it is the means to the customer satisfaction and financial success that makes everyone happy. Webinars Lean Forward: How Healthcare Organizations Can Reduce Cost and Risk (58:05) Whether rolling out new programs or quietly training the entire organization to see waste, variation, and defects, healthcare organizations around the globe are looking for cost and risk reductions. This webinar will share the critical success factors of either approach so managers can determine the right approach for them. L E A N S I X S I G M A R E S O U R C E S I N D U S T R Y A F F I L I AT I O N S

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