Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 1 2 M A N AG E M E N T A N D L E A D E R S H I P BUSINESS SKILLS Management by Objective What you will learn: • Set and review organizational objectives. • Develop and determine objectives with team members using SMART. • Establish clear targets and performance standards for each objective. • Implement daily feedback on results. • Assemble a process that rewards achievement of the objectives. MDV1606-2 l ½ Day Customer Service and Support: How to Wow Your Customers What you will learn: • Increase your ability to "wow!" your customers by exceeding their expectations. • Exhibit versatility and comfort in handling service disruptions and difficult customers. • Ask effective questions and listen better for the customer's needs and concerns. • Identify when and how to use a team approach to customer service. MDP161 l 2 Day Write It Right What you will learn: • Identify and practice the characteristics of effective business writing. • Learn and follow the five musts for every document. • Use a planner to get clear about your purpose and readers. • Gain revision strategies for both simple and complex documents. MDI668 l 1 Day Maximize Productivity: Manage Your Time, Maintain Focus, and Set Priorities What you will learn: • Explain the psychological and physiological impacts of "switch tasking" and disruptions. • Leverage a scientific model to determine your hours of peak productivity. • Set priorities based on goals aligned with your governing values. • Decompose goals/projects into smaller executable tasks. • Practice task and goal prioritization using real-world examples. • Utilize various tools and techniques for planning and managing time. • Create a personal time management and organization plan. MDP2028 l 1 Day High Performance Selling What you will learn: • Learn the stages and critical tasks for each sales call, with emphasis on how to set clear objectives and then execute a sales call to achieve those objectives. • Gain practical tips and techniques on how to ask high-quality questions and listen to the customer. • Sharpen your ability to persuade customers by highlighting the benefits and value that you can provide to customers. • Improve your ability to advance a sale forward and win more sales with new and exciting customers. • Become more creative at responding to four major types of customer objections. • Learn a variety of techniques to help you sell and imple - ment price increases to customers so that you capture the maximum value of your products and services. MDP2053 l 2 Day

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