Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 2 6 THE SLII EXPERIENCE TM You want your managers to be effective and know how to lead successful teams. But often, they don't have the skills to be flexible leaders, so they don't lead their people as effectively as they could. Many organizations struggle with finding training solutions that will develop their leaders to be the best they can be. We know how frustrating it can be when your managers lack what it takes to impact performance. Research shows that employees need different levels of direction and support from their leader, depending on the task at hand. The problem is that most managers have only one leadership style that they apply to everyone, in every situation. The best leaders are situational leaders. They know how and when to provide the right leadership to help their team members succeed. As the world's most taught leadership model, SLII® teaches managers the skillset they need to guide their people through predictable stages of develop- ment and provide them with what they need to be successful. Backed by years of research and proven results, the SLII framework has stood the test of time. When people get the leadership they need when they need it, their performance accelerates, work passion increases, and your organization thrives. THE PROVEN FORMULA TO BUILD SITUATIONAL LEADERS Organizations can choose how they deliver The SLII Experience TM , allowing learners to be more in charge of their learning journey beyond the classroom. Each delivery format follows a four-part learning path to ensure your managers master the content and become situational leaders. LAUNCH — Receive a portfolio of assignments to explain the concepts and engage learners in the content of SLII. LEARN — Participate in activities that will teach leaders the skills and language they need to be- come a situational leader. PRACTICE — Participate in activities that will develop new skills through robust, real-life practice. MASTER — Participants will assimilate strategies to deepen and extend the learning so that it becomes second nature to set SMART goals, diagnose development level, and use the matching leadership style. Be the Leader Your People Need Who Should Attend? • Individuals in leadership roles who want to increase their effectiveness • Executives and senior-level managers • Mid-level or new managers or supervisors

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