Corporate Education Group

CEG Corporate Training Catalog 2024

CEG offers Corporate Training and Consulting, as well as traditional and virtual instructor-led courses in management and leadership, project management, business analysis, business process management, agile/scrum, and lean six sigma.

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C O R P O R AT E E D U C AT I O N G R O U P 1 9 FACILITATION AND PRESENTATION Telling Stories with Data What you will learn: • Present data in a more concise, impactful, and compelling manner. • Analyze your audience and choose the appropriate ways to present your data. • Present a real-world data set during the course and receive feedback from peers and the instructor. • Develop concise slides, compelling storylines, and convincing memos and talking points. MDI1019 l 1 Day Using Strategic Storytelling to Captivate Your Audience What you will learn: • Articulate why stories are uniquely positioned to change attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. • Explain key findings from neuroscience regarding how our brains respond to stories. • Identify a "master story" and business goal to drive retention and recall of a message. • Utilize dramatic structure to logically organize a narrative. • Incorporate critical story elements to enhance the impact of a story. • Create an annotated storyboard for a business message. • Pitch a story to an audience. MDP1481 l 1 Day Honing Your Virtual Presentation Skills What you will learn: • Discuss concrete ways to enhance your virtual presence and credibility. • Explain key findings from neuroscience regarding how our brains respond to stories. • Create a goal statement for a presentation or business story to focus and sharpen its impact. • Perform audience analysis to design a relevant and powerful call to action. • Identify design and delivery techniques that drive engagement with a virtual audience. • Describe ways to optimize visual, verbal, and paraverbal elements when presenting virtually. MDV2050e l 1 Day Crafting and Delivering Compelling Presentations What you will learn: • Develop and structure clear, compelling messages. • Improve your verbal and nonverbal delivery. • Capture and keep the audience's attention. • Build your confidence level when presenting face-to-face, virtually, and remotely. MDV1063 l 1 Day Designing and Facilitating Engaging Virtual Meetings What you will learn: • Create virtual meetings designed to hold people's attention and achieve goals in the allotted time. • Describe the factors that contribute to keeping people engaged or losing their attention. • Use tips and techniques to maintain energy, balance participation, and draw out reluctant participants. • Design virtual meetings with engagement in mind. • Use steps to level the playing field in hybrid meetings. • Choose the best combination of technology to heighten engagement. MDV4008a l ½ Day Presenting to Executives What you will learn: • Enhance executive presence and confidence in delivery. • Develop and structure compelling messages. • Design slides and visual aids that enhance your message.

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